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Scoil Mhuire Knockavilla / Knockavilla National School, Tipperary


2019/2020 School Year

26th Mar 2020
We are all living in very unusual times! The Corona Virus has forced us all to take...
26th Mar 2020 Why don't you try this ...
26th Mar 2020
Audible Stories have made their collection of audiobooks available for free because...
25th Mar 2020
Do you enjoy playing with Lego? You can now challenge yourself for the next 30 days...
24th Mar 2020
Here is another very useful maths site for you and your children. Due to school...
22nd Mar 2020
Written by John Boyne on the March 18th,2020 To help foster creativity among Irish...
22nd Mar 2020
Isolation Bunched together like a gathering tribe the daffodils rise again...
18th Mar 2020
Work did not stop with spuds, we also planned to plant peppers and cauliflower and...
18th Mar 2020
There has been a slight change of plans to the class following GIY book. I have...
16th Mar 2020
Some ideas for everyone to keep our pupils' minds and bodies active.   ...