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Scoil Mhuire Knockavilla / Knockavilla National School, Tipperary


2018/2019 School Year

22nd Dec 2018
This year the Scoil Mhuire school choir was asked to join with 8 other Irish schools...
22nd Dec 2018
Knockavilla Parents’ Association would like to take this opportunity to thank...
22nd Dec 2018
On Friday 14th the pupils in Junior and Senior Infants attended the Christmas...
22nd Dec 2018
Over the last week we have had a feast of artistic activity in school. The pupils...
21st Dec 2018
  On Tuesday 11 th December the pupils of Scoil Mhuire took part in a carol...
20th Dec 2018
Sixth Class, ably assisted by Fifth Class, hosted a very successful cake sale in...
20th Dec 2018
The last month of the year has arguably been the busiest. So much fun was had retelling...
19th Dec 2018
Mr. Moran's class used clay as their medium for creating their Christmas tree decorations,...
19th Dec 2018
On Wednesday, the 19th of December, pupils in Fifth and Sixth Cl,asses, together...
12th Dec 2018
The pupils of 3rd & 4th joined their friends in Junior Infants for a last collaborative...