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Scoil Mhuire Knockavilla / Knockavilla National School, Tipperary

Comhghairdeas Rang a Dó ar Ocáid bhur gCéad Chomaoineach Naofa

12th May 2019

Congratulations to our pupils in Rang a Dó - Jaime, Lilly, Katie, Katelyn, Macie, Scott, Shane, Cathal, Adam, Aaron, Conor, Cian and Dominic - who received their First Holy Communion on Saturday May 11th from Fr. Egan in Knockavilla. 

It was a lovely holy ceremony and a very special day for the children and their families. Special thanks to Ms Healy, their Class Teacher, who worked so hard to prepare the children for the sacrament. Thanks also to the pupils who took part in the lovely choir, and all of the school staff who worked to make the day a success.