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Scoil Mhuire Knockavilla / Knockavilla National School, Tipperary

Rang a hAon agus Rang a Dó

18th Oct 2021

We have had a very busy few weeks settling into Rang a hAon and Rang a Dó. We visited the tadpoles in the outdoor classroom which had turned into froglets and frogs. We discovered lots of things about each other, creating our own self portraits and finding out about our favorite things. We learnt about our senses and went on a “senses hunt” around the school to see what we could see, hear, taste, touch and smell in our environment. We even put our sense of smell to the test in science to guess the smell of different foods.

There was great teamwork seen in Rang a hAon agus Rang a Dó for the STEM challenge, when the teams had to build the tallest tower with lollipop sticks and cubes without the cubes touching one another. There were some super towers built!  Maith sibh!