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Scoil Mhuire Knockavilla / Knockavilla National School, Tipperary

Scoil Mhuire scarecrows in support of Temple Street Children's Hospital in collaboration with Knockavilla Community Council

22nd Oct 2021

Please do take a drive or walk by the school over the mid-term break to see the creations of our pupils which are on show in front windows and the front lawn. The pupils and their teachers had great fun this week creating this fantastic display. We could well be finding straw around the classrooms and grounds until Christmas!!

Ms Redfern's Junior Infants recreated the characters from the story Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson, while Ms Ryan's Senior Infants wish you a fa-BOO-lous Hallowe'en. Ms Dunne's 1st and 2nd Class created Headless Kickham and the Kickhams Family.  Mrs Healy's 3rd and 4th Class took an alternative approach and made 34 Scared Crows. Finally, each of the 5 groups in Mr Moran's 5th and 6th Class created their own scarecrow.

We are delighted to join with Knockavilla Community Council in support of such a worthy cause.