Access Keys:

Scoil Mhuire Knockavilla / Knockavilla National School, Tipperary

Welcome Back to Room 2!!

4th Sep 2020

It's is just wonderful to see happy faces back around Scoil Mhuire. Seniors and First are settling back really well, adjusting to our new routines and safety measures.

We have learned a 'Clean Hands Chant' which is being used several times a day and we really enjoyed using our new whiteboards, markers, pencils and Pritt Sticks for word play, phonics, art and quiz time. 

The children took great pleasure in reading together, playing games and reading out their news for the class.

We are taking advantage of the lovely mild weather with daily trips out for P.E. and action rhymes. Hopefully the fine days will continue well into the end of autumn.

Wishing you all a safe return to the old and new routines of school. Thank you to all of you who are co-operating in physical distancing while waiting to drop and collect your children.