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Scoil Mhuire Knockavilla / Knockavilla National School, Tipperary
Best of luck to our 4th, 5th and 6th class pupils in the Peace Proms in UL on Sunday 2nd March.
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Code of Behaviour

If the school is to achieve a happy, secure environment in which children can develop to their full potential, it is necessary to provide a framework which promotes constructive behaviour and discourages unacceptable behaviour. The aim is to ensure that the individuality of each child is accommodated, while acknowledging the right of each child to an education in a relatively disruption free environment. The school code places a greater emphasis on praise and rewards than on sanctions, and the ideal is that children will acquire self-discipline. There are times, however, when it may be necessary to impose sanctions in order to maintain good order and discourage offenders. We recognise the importance of a strong sense of community within the school and the existence of a high level of co-operation among teachers, ancillary staff, pupils, parents and the Board of Management.

Respect and Courtesy
All pupils and visitors to the school are expected to treat staff and their fellow pupils with respect and courtesy at all times.

The use of foul language and any form of bullying are unacceptable.
Pupils must respect all school property and keep the school environment clean and litter free.
Pupils must have all books and required materials. Pupils are expected to work to the best of their ability and to present written exercises neatly.

Any form of behaviour that interferes with the rights
of others to learn and to feel safe is unacceptable.

Every member of the school community has a role to play in the implementation of the Code of Behaviour. Rules will be kept to a minimum, emphasise positive behaviour and will be applied in a fair and consistent manner, with due regard to the age of the pupils and to individual difference. Good behaviour will be encouraged and rewarded. Where difficulties arise, parents will be contacted at an early stage.

School Regulations
Rules are kept to a minimum and are devised with regard for the health, safety and welfare of all members of the school community. If a school is to function efficiently, it is necessary that rules and regulations are clearly stated and enforced consistently and wisely.

1. School begins at 9.15a.m.and ends at 1.55pm for infant classes and 2.55p.m for all other classes. Punctuality on the part of all will be strictly imposed.
It should be noted that there is no facility or responsibility for supervision of children either before the official start time or after the official finishing times.

2. Pupils leave and enter the school building in an orderly fashion.

3. Pupils must not behave in a way that endangers themselves or others. Rough play comes into this category.

4. Any form of threatening behaviour is unacceptable.

5. Any instructions given by the supervising teacher and/or by the classroom assistant/sna are to be complied with.

6. Pupils line up in an orderly manner at the end of breaks.

7. Pupils are not allowed to run inside the school building.

8. Pupils may not re-enter the school building during breaks without the express permission of a teacher.

9. If, due to inclement weather, pupils are allowed to remain indoors, they must remain seated unless given permission to do otherwise.

10. Absence from school for any reason must be accounted for by means of a note from parents or guardians by order of the Education Welfare Board. Attendance on a regular basis will be expected and monitored by the Principal and the Welfare Board annually.

11. Permission to leave the school will only be granted if a covering note is received from home and these requests ought to be kept to a minimum. Parents and guardians collecting children early must sign to this effect in the school secretary’s office.

12. Unauthorised departure from the school will be treated as serious misbehaviour and is strictly forbidden.

13. If parents know that their child/children is/are going to be absent from school on a given day or for a portion of a day they must notify the Class Teacher/Principal Teacher in writing.

14. Pupils of the school will be obliged to wear a school uniform which is navy in colour. This consists of a navy jumper/sweatshirt/cardigan with school crest, a blue shirt, navy/red tie and socks. This is available in Heffernan’s shop, Dundrum.

15. Before entering and after leaving the classrooms children will be required to change their footwear in the interest of keeping the classrooms tidy. Junior Infants will not be obliged to change.

16. Pupils will be expected to keep their belongings tidy and to use the cloakrooms properly and not as play areas. Abuse of tissue, soaps and towels will constitute a breach of school regulations.

17. The ‘School Code of Behaviour’ will be applied and all pupils will be obliged to conform to its rules. Failure to do so will oblige the teacher and the Principal to apply the penalties of the Code.

18. While it is outside the jurisdiction of the school authorities, and is the responsibility of Bus Eiréann, children will be required to conduct themselves properly on the school buses at all times.

19. A high degree of personal hygiene will be expected of all the children in the school, especially hair hygiene. Regular attention will be made to this aspect of health education by all the teachers in their respective rooms. It is recommended that weekly checks be carried out at home to minimise the problem.

20. Children should not attend school if they are sick.

21. Homework must be attended to in a manner which is in keeping with school work and ought to be monitored by parents without becoming over-intrusive.

22. When a child is referred to any of the school services e.g. Learning Support/Resource Teacher, Psychologist, Doctor, etc. it will be the policy of the school to pursue the matter as sensitively as possible in the interest of the parties concerned.

23. All those involved in the games of hurling and camogie will be required to wear a protective helmet in order to minimise the risk of injury during play and training. The helmet must have a facial guard. Children playing Gaelic Football must wear a gum shield.

24. In the event of an injury to a pupil on the school premises while under the supervision of the staff and where hospitalisation may be required expenses incurred will become the responsibility of the child’s parents. They will be requested to signify their agreement to this course of action in the event of an emergency, where hospitalisation may be the best option, and where the parents cannot be contacted.

25. Children in 2nd. Class will be prepared for First Holy Communion, while the children in 5th and 6th classes will be prepared for Confirmation.

26. Children who will have been trained for special occasions such as Confirmation and First Holy Communion will be expected to attend on those days. Parents will equally be expected to co-operate in this matter.

27. Children who may benefit from attendance with the Learning Support/Resource Teacher will be included in the class following consultation with parents and the class teacher. A positive attitude on the part of parents will be valuable to ensure success in this undertaking.

28. Respect for the school and all its facilities and personnel will be expected of all pupils. Consequently foul language and any forms of intimidation and bullying will not be tolerated. Equally, a serious view will be taken of those who vandalise any part of school property.

29. Children are not allowed to bring mobile phones, music players, games consoles of any type, ipads, laptops or tablets of any type to school and school activities except with the expressed permission of the Principal.

*The full version of Scoil Mhuire’s Code of Behaviour is available in the school office and under the Policies tab on this web site.