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Scoil Mhuire Knockavilla / Knockavilla National School, Tipperary
Best of luck to our 4th, 5th and 6th class pupils in the Peace Proms in UL on Sunday 2nd March.
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Healthy Lunches

Healthy and Nourishing Lunches

Scoil Mhuire encourages parents and guardians to provide their children with healthy, nourishing snacks and lunches. Research suggests that the provision of nutritious school food enhances not only the child’s health but also allows the child to take full advantage of the education provided by improving attention levels and concentration spans.

Lunch should provide one third of your child's food requirements for the day.  The most effective way to plan a healthy lunch is to include one food from each of the food groups of the food pyramid.

Please do not give your child a lunch which is too big for her/him. Remember at break time your child will only need a small snack – e.g. a piece of fruit and a lunch time a healthy sandwich, small yoghurt and a healthy drink such as water.

The following foods do not support a healthy lunch and should be excluded from your child’s lunch box; crisps, chewing gum, sweets, bars, lollipops, chocolate and fizzy drinks. 


Scoil Mhuire operates a ‘nut free’ policy for the health and safety of all our pupils.